Contact Tooplate

You may send an email to contact [at] for any kind of question.
Also, you can message us on our Facebook page to get a quick response back.

Common Questions about our free templates

  1. How to make HTML contact form to send email?
    You may try this contact form scripts.
  2. Can I support Tooplate website?
    Please make a PayPal donation to contact [at] and you may spread a word about Tooplate to your friends. Thank you.
  3. Are templates free for any kind of use?
    Yes, they are completely free to use for your personal, educational, and commercial websites.
  4. Can I modify any template to make my client website?
    Yes, you can modify and use our templates to charge your clients for your service.
  5. Can I delete credit links from website templates?
    Yes, you can delete the credit links.
  6. Can I redistribute templates on my website?
    No, please do not redistribute our template on any other template website. This is not allowed. Please read about us page.